
This Policy for the Protection of Personal Data and the use of cookies (hereinafter "Data Policy") has been formulated by our Company, in accordance with the relevant legislation and with the aim of informing you in a clear, simple and understandable way about our policy regarding your personal data, which you provide to us, so that you know the purpose of its management by us and the procedures you can follow to exercise your legal rights.

Our Company complies with the relevant legislation for the protection of personal data, as currently in force with the application of the General Data Protection Regulation 679/2016/EU, hereinafter GDPR.

The Data Policy is an integral part of the General Terms of Use of "" and a single entity with them.

We may amend this Policy from time to time in accordance with applicable law. Any modification will be effective as soon as the modified Policy is posted on our page. At the same time, there will be relevant information for visitors with a message that will appear on the home page. In any case, as long as you continue to use our Website and its services and the services of our Online Store after modifications have been made in accordance with the above, you will be deemed to accept those modifications unconditionally. If you do not agree with the terms of this Policy, as it may be amended, we would ask you not to continue using the Website and our Online Store.


1. What is personal data?

Personal data (personal data) is any information relating to a person who can be identified, that is, his identity can be ascertained from this identifier. Such information is for example the member's name, address, date of birth and gender, mobile phone number, email address (e-mail) as well as usage data, such as for example member name, password (Regulation 2016/679/EU) .

2. What data we collect about you

The User can browse the website without being asked for any personal information by the Company, unless he is expressly informed beforehand by the Company and gives his consent.

To complete the order

When the user places an order, the following information will be requested by our Company: full name, full address (city, street, number, postal code, country) in order to send the products to him, contact telephone number, e-mail address (e- mail) in order to be informed about the progress of his order.

These details are necessary for our Company to properly carry out the online sale and to inform the User about it. By completing his details and accepting the terms of use and the Company's policy, the User gives his consent to the collection of the requested information by the Company. The User undertakes that the information he provides is true and accurate and that he will inform our Company in the event of a change, so that it is kept up-to-date.

To register as a MEMBER

The User has the possibility to register as a MEMBER for faster and better service.

To register the user as a member, he will be asked for the following information: Name, full address (city, street, number, postal code, country), telephone, e-mail address and password.

By registering in the system as a member and accepting the terms of use and the Company's policy, the User gives his consent to the collection on behalf of the Company of the information requested of him and which he fills in of his own free will. In any case, this is information necessary to carry out the online sale and inform the User about it. The User undertakes that the information he provides is true and accurate and that he will update it in the event of a change, so that it is kept up-to-date.

The registered MEMBER has at any time access to his details through his account and the possibility to correct them and delete them. We can do the same with a simple request from the User by phone at 6971542236 or via email

Subscribe to the Newsletter

Also, to register for our Company's Newsletter service in order to send you informational messages about the products/services, offers/discounts and news of, fill in your e-mail address (email) in the relevant box. In this way you give us your consent to send you informative e-mails. You can unsubscribe from the list at any time, either by pressing the relevant option at the end of the e-mail, or with a simple request to our Company.

In addition, we may ask you for your mobile phone number to send you short text messages via SMS or via viber for updates about our Company (about our products/services, offers/discounts and news). We will only send you messages if we have received your consent. You can at any time ask us to stop sending you, with a simple request to our Company or by pressing the relevant option at the end of the viber message.

3. How we process your data

The personal data you declare anywhere on the pages and services of our website are intended exclusively for reasons related to your transactions with us, communication with you, proper service and the improvement of the services we provide you.

We only ask for as much information as we need to fulfill the order and complete the online sale. They are the necessary data in order for the Company to process the User's order and to inform him of the status of his order.

By providing the Company with the information requested either when registering as a member or when registering for the newsletter or when placing an order, we inform you each time why we are asking you for the information in question and that you have access at all times to these and right of correction and withdrawal. After referring you to our Company's Privacy Policy and Data Policy, we ask for your consent to process your data always for the purpose of the service that our Company chooses to provide you.

Our company does not store or manage the data of your means of payment (credit/debit/paypal). The User, when paying by credit or debit card or via paypal, is automatically transferred to the electronic payment platform of Eurobank, with which our Company cooperates, or of Paypal respectively, which platforms operate with a strict privacy policy that ensures the privacy and confidentiality of your details. Our company only receives confirmation that the payment was completed successfully.

Our Company operates in accordance with the applicable Greek and Community legislation and keeps your personal data secure for as long as you are registered in any service. Also, the details of your order, and only those that are necessary, are kept by our Company for as long as tax legislation requires or there are likely to be legal claims.

4. Who has access to your data

As we inform you in our Company's Privacy Policy, we guarantee that we have taken all the necessary technical and organizational measures to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity and availability of all User data. For the security of the User, an SSL certificate has been installed, which ensures the security of your data when browsing the website.

Our Company expressly undertakes not to transmit or disclose personal information to third parties without the User's consent, unless this is required by Law.

If you choose to send your products via a courier company, our Company, after your consent, will give your details (your mobile phone number) to the courier companies mentioned in the Terms of Use and on our website for the shipment to you of the products you have purchased from our online store.

In cases where, in order to complete your order actions, your information is transmitted to third parties, such as to credit card providers to process a payment on your behalf during your purchase from our online store or to our third party partners who provide us with technical services, such as hosting and technical support services, we assure you that your details are always encrypted and cannot in any case lead to the User's identity. Quite simply, third parties only see numbers and codes which cannot in any case be identified with the person.

In any case, the employees of who have access to your personal data are specific and always under the supervision of the manager of the Online Store. Access by unauthorized persons to your personal data is prohibited. Every reasonable measure to secure your data has been taken.

The data kept in the file may be communicated to the competent judicial, police and other administrative authorities upon their legal request and in accordance with the applicable legislative provisions. In addition, in the event of a legal provision, official order or official preliminary examination, our Company is obliged without exception to make the relevant data available to the respective service.

5. User Consent

By carrying out any of your transactions and using any of our Services in accordance with the terms of use of and after first indicating to us that you have been informed and accept this Privacy Policy, you give us your consent to process the data for the purpose of service you choose each time. By accepting the terms of use and our Data Policy, you give your consent to keep your data in our company's files, only those that are necessary and relate to the online sale between us, for as long as the tax authority requires and for any legal claims.

We inform you each time which information we need from you and for what reason, so that you know that it is necessary each time for the purpose of the service you choose from us.

Under filling in the details, there is a check box that you have read the terms of use and the privacy and data policy of our company and agree with them. There is also a relevant hyperlink that takes you directly to the terms of use and the Company's policy. Please read our company's terms of use and privacy and data policy before checking the box.

If you check the box, it means that you have read the terms and policy and accept them and give us your absolute consent to process your data for the purpose we inform you.

6. Purposes of Consent

To complete the order: When the user places an order, either as a member or as a simple user, accepting the terms of use and the Company's policy, he gives his consent to the collection by the Company of the information requested and to their processing for the purpose of completing the order, informing about its progress and delivering the products to him. In order to send the products via a courier company, our Company will request the user's consent to give the mobile phone number to the courier companies mentioned in the Terms of Use and on our Website. If he checks the relevant field, he automatically gives us his consent to this.

For advertising purposes: By subscribing to our Company's Newsletter service in order to send you informational messages about the products/services, offers/discounts and news of, you give us your consent to send you informative e -mails. In addition, we may ask you for your mobile phone number to send you short text messages via SMS or via viber for updates about our Company (about our products/services, offers/discounts and news). We will only send you messages if we have received your consent.

Fraudulent Transaction Processing: You agree that in the event of reasonable evidence and as required by the specific circumstances, our Company shall have the right to collect, process and use that data, which is necessary for the disclosure, as well as the termination of offers created with fraudulent intent as well as the details of any other illegal or unconventional use of our online store.

Transfer in case of legal order / Transfer to services in the absence of a legal order: As the transfer of data is not permitted by law, you consent to the transfer of your personal data to law enforcement and supervisory authorities for the necessary protection against risks to state and public security as well as prosecution of criminal acts.

You have the right to withdraw the consent you have given at any time, in accordance with Article 7 para. 3 of the GDPR, which will apply to the processing of your data after this withdrawal.

7. User rights regarding personal data

According to the relevant legislation on personal data, the User has the right to information, access, correction, deletion, limitation and opposition to processing and exclusion from automated decision-making, as provided for in articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR. He has also complained to the Personal Data Protection Authority for any violation of his personal data.

Right of access and information

The User has at any time the right to access the personal data and update the following information. What data do we process and for what purposes, if there is or has been a transmission of this to third parties, for how long it is kept or the criteria that determine said period, the right to submit a request for correction or deletion of personal data or restriction of the processing of of personal data concerning the data subject or right to object to said processing, the right to submit a complaint to a supervisory authority, also, when the personal data is not collected by the person himself, any available information about its origin, and if automated decision-making is involved.

Right to rectification and erasure

The User has the right, with a simple request to our Company, by phone or by mail, to request the correction of his data. He also has the right to request the deletion of his data which are no longer necessary either because the purpose for which they were requested has been completed or because the User withdraws his consent from now on or because he objects to their processing. However, it does not have the right to delete the information if it is necessary to keep it for tax reasons and for any establishment, exercise or support of legal claims.

The registered member user has the ability to access the account he has created through our online store and manage his information, correct it and even completely delete an item or his account. In addition, those who are registered to the Newsletter or to the SMS or viber messaging service, can request their deletion either with a simple request to our Company or by pressing the relevant deletion option at the end of the e-mail or message.

Right of limitation and objection

The User has the right to request that the processing of his data be restricted, if he questions the accuracy of the data until he verifies its accuracy, if the processing is illegal or if he has objections to the processing and if the Company no longer needs the data but the requested by the user to establish, exercise and support legal claims. The user is informed before the restriction is lifted.

Also, the User has the right to object at any time for reasons related to his particular situation, to the processing of his data that is done legally and specifically in cases where it is necessary to fulfill a duty imposed by the public interest or due to the existence of a legitimate interest. In the opposition application, he should justify the particular circumstances that justify his opposition.

Communication and sending requests

Our Company is always at your disposal for any information, clarification, request. Contact us by phone at 6971542236 or by email at 

You can submit your request and we will notify you by phone or email no later than one month after receiving the request. If your request is complex the deadline can be extended for another two months. If we are unable to respond to you, we will inform you without delay and at the latest within one month of your request of the reasons why we cannot satisfy your request and your right to lodge a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Authority. We need to be sure of your identity, so we may ask you to confirm your details or ask you for additional information to verify your identity. Your requests are granted free of charge unless they are excessive or have a great cost to our Company.


This website uses cookies. When the User enters our website, there is relevant information on the use of cookies and a hyperlink that leads to the present cookie policy. As long as you accept the use of cookies, by clicking on the relevant option and continuing to navigate the website, you automatically give us your consent to the storage of cookies.

Below you can learn more about the cookies we use, the purpose they serve and how they are managed.

1. What are cookies?

"Cookies" are small files with information that a website stores on a user's computer or electronic device, so that every time the user connects to the website, the latter retrieves the information in question and offers the user related services. A typical example of such information is the user's preferences on a website, as indicated by the choices the user makes on the specific website (e.g. selection of specific "buttons", searches, advertisements, etc.).

None of the cookie files used on our website collects information that identifies you personally and does not gain knowledge of any document or file from your computer.

More information about cookies, how to manage and delete them, can be found at

2. Types and functions of cookies

On our website, the following categories of cookies are used: "Transient" cookies are stored on the computer or electronic device during your visit to our website and are deleted when you leave it. "Persistent" cookies remain on your computer or electronic device for a longer period of time until they are deleted by you. In fact, they are stored for 30 days. If the user visits the website again, for example in 5 days, the cookies are renewed and their duration returns to 30 days.

a. Cookie that records the time visitors stay on each page of the website. It serves to measure the effectiveness of each website as well as to improve/upgrade its structure and content and adapt it to the needs of visitors. (Transient)

b. Cookie that identifies visitors who visit the website for the first time. It is used to measure the increase in website traffic. (Stubborn)

c. Cookie that records the origin / method of entry of visitors to the website. It is used to measure the effectiveness of the website's visibility on third-party websites or search engines. (Stubborn)

d. Cookie that records the preferences of website visitors (which specific websites are visited most often and which specific topic/content of the websites). It serves to measure the effectiveness of the website, to improve/upgrade its structure and content as well as to adapt it to the needs of visitors. (Stubborn)

e. Cookies that record the country of origin of website visitors (. It serves to measure the effectiveness and appeal of the website. Thus, we can adjust the cost of shipping and the limit, when exceeded, shipping is free. And sometimes the language (country_code, country_title, language, has_free_delivery, delivery_zone_cost, delivery_zone_cost_limit).(Persistent)

In a second phase, other cookies that are stored are:


It stores the unique User ID in the event that a registered user enters his account on the website (log in, sign in) or a new user registers. This happens for user identification purposes, so that when they visit the website again after some days (< 30) they do not need to enter their account, but are already logged in.


This refers to the list of products and how many of them will be displayed per row. The options given to the user are threes and fours, so the number 3 or 4 is stored.

3dr Party Cookies

We only allow Google Analytics and the Facebook Pixel to install the Cookies we use. In the event that through our website you enter third-party websites or connect to social networking agencies (twitter, facebook, youtube), you should be aware that these third-party websites or agencies may install cookies as soon as you click on the relevant link . These cookies are outside our control and are governed by the cookie policy of each third party that installs them. You should read their respective websites' policies to see exactly how you should manage them.

Thus, during your navigation on our website and your transaction with us through our services, our Company can collect personal data and other information about you through our Cookies (First Party Cookies) and third parties, Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel (Third Party Cookies), which data and information our Company uses for advertising and promotion purposes, statistical purposes, for market research purposes in order to optimize our products and services, to measure the effectiveness of our website, improving and upgrading its content, adapting it to the demand and needs of the user, as well as to measure the effectiveness of the presentation and promotion of on third-party websites.In addition, they are used by us to connect you to your Account, to remember the products stored in your basket, to connect you to your Account without requiring the opening of a new account every time you want to make a purchase in our store , for the operation of the shopping cart, for the verification of problems on our server, etc.

3. How to manage and delete Cookies

The menus of most browsers provide options on how to manage Cookies. These options vary by browser. Depending on the options provided by the browser you use, you can allow the installation of Cookies, disable/delete existing ones or be notified each time you receive cookies. Instructions for managing and deleting Cookies are usually found within the “Help”, “Tools” or “Edit” menu of the browser. You can also find more detailed guidance at where it is explained in detail how to control and delete cookies in most browsers.

Please note that if you reject or disable cookies on our website, the functionality of the website may be partially lost. Also, disabling a cookie or class of cookies does not delete the cookie from the browser. Such a move should be done by you by changing the internal functions of the browser you use.